Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Richard St. John spend several years interviewing hundreds of successful people. So two people talk about Richard's presentation.
Really success depends on how you respond opportunities on your way. Not only innate talents but also practise, hard practise a the key of success.And I agree with speakers opinion that person can't be good at all things, he or she have to pick the thing,which they like and practise very hard.People have to work with passion, they have to love what they do. Successful people says that they work with love and motivation.They work hard, but they feel fun.
This podcast lasts 8 minutes. If you want to listen it, then go to http://www.betteratenglish.com/
It is really understandable and interesting podcast.The speech is quite slow, althought it was upper-intermediate level.
Another podcast was a little bit useful for avoiding grammar mistakes.The podcast was: "Grammar mistakes that make you look like a dork: its vs. it's"
The speaker said that not only english learners do mistakes but also people whom english is the native language. Particularly peole do mistakes when words sound the same but are wroted differently.One of the mistake is confusing it's and its so speaker suggest several things to avoid this mistakes.
When you write, ask yourself if the it’s/its you’re about to write means it is or it has. If it does, then you can use the it’s form WITH an apostrophe. If it doesn’t make sense, then you need the its form WITHOUT an apostrophe.
The second thing you should do is use the find feature of your word processing software to search for all instances of its (no apostrophe) and it’s (with apostrophe). For each instance you find, perform the it is / it has test or the his-her-their pronoun test. If you take the time to do this, you will never risk turning in piece of writing containing this dorky grammar mistake.
This podcast was from the same site as the first one.This listening was advanced level and sometimes it was harder to understand than the first one.Also this topic was not so interesting as the firs but it was more useful for grammar skills.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Psychological abuse
Psychological abuse may make a person fearful or cause the person mental anguish. This may be done in several ways, including by:
-making the people uncertain about themselves and their abilities (lowering their self esteem),
-threatening some form of violence, or
threatening to abandon or neglect the person.
Psychological abuse includes behaviours such as:
-Name calling,
-Insulting the person,
-Threatening the person or threatening to take away something that is important to them,
-Imitating or mocking the person,
-Swearing at them,
-Isolating the person,
-Excluding them from meaningful events or activities.
Psychological abuse also happens when the adult is excluded from decision making when the person is capable and wants to be included (in other words, "making decisions for them"), and depriving them of their rights.
The psychological abuser has a desire to control the other person. By undermining your self-confidence, the abuser limits your ability to act independently.
Know that it’s not your fault. You do not deserve to be told hurtful things.
Talk to someone you trust. It may be an Elder, teacher, relative, friend or counselor. Let this other person know what it is that bothers you. If nothing else, they can tell you what a valuable human being you are.
Avoid the abuser. If possible, try to avoid the person who is verbally abusing you. If it’s a close family member, try to limit the amount of time you spend with this person, and remember to believe in yourself, no matter what they say. They are the one with the problem, not you.
95% of men who physically abuse their intimate
partners also psychologically abuse them.4
· Psychologically abusive men are more likely to
use a weapon against their partners, have prior
criminal arrests, abuse substances, and have
employment problems.5
· An employed woman with an unemployed
partner is more than twice as likely to be
psychologically abused by her partner.9
· Having a physical disability increases a
woman’s risk of psychological abuse by 83%.7
· Women who earn 65% or more of their
households’ income are more likely to be
psychologically abused.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
The psychology of handwriting
I tell about some types of writing:
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Fear is a powerful, unpleasant feeling of risk or danger, either real or imagined. Fear is a defensive, survival advantage and it is ussually a response to a particular stimulus. For example, a person may see a spider and experience fear. An example of this may be something dangerous and spontaneous, during this situation the blood goes to big muscless ( like legs) allowing the person to run faster. Fear is related to a number of emotional states including worry, anxiety, terror, fright, paranoia, horror, panic (social and personal), persecution complex and dread. Paranoia is an ever- present feeling of suspicion that others cannot be trusted.Such feelings are not based on facts or reality. Insecurity and low self- esteem often exaggerate these emotions.Typically, paranoia is not seen in children, but in most cases it begins to develope in late adolescence and early adulthood. Most people experience feelings of paranoia, usually in response to a threatening situation. There are many symptoms of paranoia such as aggression, alcohol abuse, aches, pain and so on. This disease usually have people, who suffer from anorexia, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and so on.
It is normal to have a fear, but if it's fear based on symptoms like aggression, constant worry or fright, then people have to apply for the help of psychologist.
A man in high spirits, though he may not actually smile, commonly exhibits some tendency to the retraction of the corners of his mouth. From the excitement of pleasure the circulation becomes more rapid; the eyes are bright, and the color of the face rises. The brain, becoming stimulated by the increased flow of blood, reacts on the mental powers; lively ideas pass still more rapidly through the mind, and the affections are warmed. Laughter is frequently employed in a forced manner to conceal or mask some other state of mind, even anger. We often see persons laughing in order to conceal their shame or shyness. We can see it when a person purses up his mouth, as if to prevent the possibility of smile, though there is nothing to excite one. Also we can see objection between the laughter or smile and the body language.
It’s hard to believe, but every Monday evening about 10 people gather at Better Health Chiropractic in New York City to laugh about absolutely nothing. Members stand in a circle while a certified instructor leads the group in some 20 different laughs.
One prescribed chuckle is the "broken vase" laugh. The leader pretends to drop an imaginary vase on the floor and then lets out a distinctive snicker. The group then performs the exercise together.
The point is to "laugh without reason," which they believe is good for their health. In the clubs, humor plays little role in initiating the laughter, although participants report that watching another person giggle is in itself pretty funny.
Today, laughter clubs can be found at U.S. elementary schools, churches, hospitals and military bases, although no studies have been performed to test whether forced laughter is effective.
If we remember the James- Lange theory then we can say that we feel happy because we laugh. So keep a smile and laugh because the life will seem brighter and the mood will be better.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
There are many types of conflicts, but mostly we faced with conflicts between people. From psychological side conflicts can be caused by a role cunfusion. For example if you are the student you behave with your lecturers like all students. You don't behave with them like with your sister or brother, you don't say "go out" or "shut up" to your lecturers because a person know his limits. But when a person confuse his or her role then it can cause a conflict.
Also, the reason of conflict can be in own person. If people are stressed or have many problems they are more nerwous and can burn like matches and develope conflicts.
Moreover, conflicts can be between two people or a group who has a firm ego. If there are one person with firm ego and other person doesn't have a firm ego then psychologically stronger person will affect other person to his side, but if there are two people with firm ego, the conflict can develope into very strong conflict or physical violence.
It depends also on person morality norms, experience and other aspects. As we know, firstly we have to think over and then do.
There can be many reasons and explanations about the conflicts and their rise. So that was just a little part.
Monday, March 5, 2007
I feel sad. I feel motivated. I feel offended. I feel appreciated. I feel hurt. I feel disrespected.
This may feel strange at first, since not many people do this. But it gets easier with time, and as you find other people who you can share your true feelings with.
Here are some of the basic human emotional needs expressed as feelings. While all humans share these needs, each differs in the strength of the need, just as some of us need more water, more food or more sleep. One person may need more freedom and independence, another may need more security and social connections. One may have a greater curiosity and a greater need for understanding, while another is content to accept whatever is told to him. I have found the 10 essential emotional needs:
1) Security — safe territory and an environment which allows us to develop fully.
2) Attention (to give and receive it) — a form of nutrition
3) Sense of autonomy and control — having volition to make responsible choices
4) Being emotionally connected to others
5) Feeling part of a wider community
6) Friendship, intimacy — to know that at least one other person accepts us totally for who we are.
7) Privacy — opportunity to reflect and consolidate experience
8) Sense of status within social groupings
9) Sense of competence and achievement
10) Having meaning and purpose — which comes from being stretched in what we do and think.
Also I have done an emotional test. I got 120 score, it's 91%. My emotional intelligence is good.People who score like I do feel that they have little trouble understanding and dealing with their own emotions and those of others. They generally are able to overcome difficulties in their lives and they are able to control their moods in all but the most trying of times. It’s easy for them to motivate themselves to overcome obstacles and reach their goals. In addition, they find social interactions to be quite easy and fulfilling, for several reasons. They are comfortable allowing themselves to get close with others, and feel comfortable being vulnerable enough to establish intimacy. They also report having an easy time offering support to others; this is likely due to an empathetic nature and a clear mind when it comes to offering good advice.
I think that this test is really interesting and quite right, because I think that everything is true what is written about people who have good emotional intelligence and it fits to me.
And the I have found the list of basic feeling words:
Positive Negative
Comfortable - Uncomfortable
Accepted - Rejected
Acknowledged - Ignored
Appreciated - Unappreciated
Loved - Resentful, Bitter
Lovable - Unloved, Hated
Desirable - Unlovable, Undesirable
Happy - Angry, Sad, Hurt
Aware - Unaware, Confused
Satisfied - Unsatisfied, Frustrated
Supported - Unsupported, Squelched, Thwarted, Obstructed
Encouraged - Discouraged
Optimistic - Pessimistic, Hopeless
Respected - Disrespected, Insulted, Mocked
Safe, Secure - Afraid, Insecure
Peaceful, Relaxed - Tense, Frustrated
Motivated - Bored, Lethargic, Unmotivated
Focused - Lost
Free - Trapped, Controlled, Forced, Obligated
Independent - Dependent, Needy
Confident - Nervous, Worried, Scared
Competent, Capable - Incompetent, Inadequate, Dumb, Stupid
Proud - Guilty, Embarrassed, Ashamed
Worthy, Deserving - Unworthy, Undeserving, Inadequate
Excited, Energetic - Depressed, Numb, Frozen
Fulfilled - Empty, Needy
Validated - Invalidated
Connected - Disconnected, Isolated, Lonely
Monday, February 5, 2007
There are many kinds of psychology. For this day I will choose the business psychology...But as I say you never know what will be later..maybe my opinion will choose. I expect that I graduate university and become a good psychology.I know that you have to interest in this subject read many books, magazines and also try to hear as much as I can at lessons.
“The other line always moves faster.”
Also psychologists find that uncertain waits are loger than known. For example, clients who arrive early for an appointment will sit contentedly until the scheduled time, even if this is a significant amount of time in an absolute sense. However, once the appointment time is passed, even a short wait of, say, ten minutes, grows increasingly annoying.
So, to sum up, I can say that psychologist, supermarkets, banks owners and other, should try to devise new ways how to reduce people anxiety, when they have to queue.