Fear is a powerful, unpleasant feeling of risk or danger, either real or imagined. Fear is a defensive, survival advantage and it is ussually a response to a particular stimulus. For example, a person may see a spider and experience fear. An example of this may be something dangerous and spontaneous, during this situation the blood goes to big muscless ( like legs) allowing the person to run faster. Fear is related to a number of emotional states including worry, anxiety, terror, fright, paranoia, horror, panic (social and personal), persecution complex and dread. Paranoia is an ever- present feeling of suspicion that others cannot be trusted.Such feelings are not based on facts or reality. Insecurity and low self- esteem often exaggerate these emotions.Typically, paranoia is not seen in children, but in most cases it begins to develope in late adolescence and early adulthood. Most people experience feelings of paranoia, usually in response to a threatening situation. There are many symptoms of paranoia such as aggression, alcohol abuse, aches, pain and so on. This disease usually have people, who suffer from anorexia, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and so on.
It is normal to have a fear, but if it's fear based on symptoms like aggression, constant worry or fright, then people have to apply for the help of psychologist.