One of the psychology field is a handwriting.Everyone has their own unique handwriting and it can show many things about the personality.Some people believe in it, some no. It is a projective technique like body language which can profile human behavior in the areas of social skills, thinking styles, achievement, work habits and possible ways with dealing with stress.

If each letter is separated and a pen is witdrawn,also letters are wrote disorderly and they differ from each other, then in this way write people who like laughting, do not worry about troubles and do not plan their future.

So, it is just a small part of such analizies.
What is interesting, that experts says that handwriting depends on some motorical areas of the brain.Full analizies of handwriting can diagnoze some illnesses.Slight differences of the handwriting can show neurological and psychiatrical characteristics, which in the future can cause some ilnesses.Also experts says that more than 400 features of the handwriting can discover secret states of the person's spirit.
I believe that handwriting reflect some features of person character, because it developes for a long time and it is caused by many outside factors.I do not believe that from four or five types of handwriting you can say the right things about the person.But doing a full analize of the handwriting , I believe that you can discover many things about the person.