Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas,alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.A psychodinamic approach to understanding creativity was proposed by Sigmund Freud, who suggested that creativity arises as a result of frustrated desires for fame, fortune,and love, with the energy that was previously tied up in frustration and emotional tension in the neurosis being sublimated into creative activity.
Most people are creative, but not all people act on their ideas. And like other skills creativity can be developed. Some people are encouraged to express their creative ability more than others and may even get rewarded for doing so. Artist, in addition to expressing their creativity,also have traits like manual dexterity, good eye- hand coordination and other skills than enable them to more fully express their creative thoughts. Similarly, athletes, teachers, scientists and auto mechanics have special skill sets that enable them to express their creative ideas.
There are however many ways of being creative. Each of us can be creative if we recognize our unique talents and develop mastery in those areas. That is no guarantee that the world will recognize us but it does provide the soul satisfaction that comes with living a creative life.